If you suffer from chronic sinusitis, chances are you have heard of balloon sinuplasty. However, what exactly is balloon sinuplasty, and who needs it? Here's a closer look at the basics of balloon sinuplasty and why patients may seek out this minimally-invasive procedure.
What Is Chronic Sinusitis?
Chronic sinusitis is a condition that causes long-term inflammation of the sinuses. It can lead to symptoms such as congestion, facial pressure, and pain.
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How Should You Clean A CPAP Machine And How Often Do You Need To Do It?
A CPAP machine is a vital medical device for someone who has sleep apnea. The constant pressure coming through the mask helps to keep airways open, reducing the number of sleep apnea episodes that occur during the night. Since a CPAP machine essentially forces air into the respiratory system, it's important to keep the entire machine clean. Respiratory infections from using a CPAP machine are quite rare, but a CPAP machine can potentially cause them if mold and bacteria are allowed to build up in the machine as these pathogens would be blown directly into the respiratory system.
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3 Things You Need To Know About Hypothalamic Dysfunction
If you find that you are unable to get pregnant, even after a period of timing sexual intercourse to your ovulation schedule, you may suffer from infertility. There are numerous causes of infertility that can effect either the male or the female. One cause of female infertility is known as hypothalamic dysfunction. Read on to learn everything you need to know about this condition.
1. Hypothalamic Dysfunction Disrupts Ovulation
In order to get pregnant, the female must ovulate (release an egg from the ovaries).
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Types Of Birth Control To Consider
If you are scheduled to visit your OBGYN for some birth control, you will want to make sure that you are armed with as much knowledge as possible as far as what your options are. This way, you will make the best decision for your personal needs.
Barrier Methods
Barrier methods include birth control options such as male and female condoms, diaphragms, contraceptive sponges, and cervical caps. These are non-hormonal forms of birth control and can be applied, inserted, or removed as needed at home.
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