3 Things You Need To Know About Hypothalamic Dysfunction

If you find that you are unable to get pregnant, even after a period of timing sexual intercourse to your ovulation schedule, you may suffer from infertility. There are numerous causes of infertility that can effect either the male or the female. One cause of female infertility is known as hypothalamic dysfunction. Read on to learn everything you need to know about this condition.

1. Hypothalamic Dysfunction Disrupts Ovulation

In order to get pregnant, the female must ovulate (release an egg from the ovaries). Hypothalamic dysfunction is one of many conditions that is known as an ovulation disorder; it prevents the female from ovulating.

There are two hormones in the body that play a role in determining when a female ovulates: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). If these hormones are not present in the body or are present in inappropriate amounts, ovulation may not occur.

2. Treatment Varies Dramatically for Each Patient

Treatment for hypothalamic dysfunction varies with each patient. The goal of treatment is to help the patient resume a regular ovulation schedule. However, there are multiple reasons that a patient might suffer from hypothalamic dysfunction, which influences the prescribed treatment.

Patients who are underweight or overweight are prone to suffering from hypothalamic dysfunction. If the patient is not at a healthy weight, this will likely be one of the first steps recommended by your OBGYN. Nutritional counseling can help you learn what foods will assist you in reaching a healthy weight. You may also need to undergo thyroid testing to see if your thyroid hormones are at healthy levels.

Other causes of hypothalamic dysfunction include stress (both physical and mental). If you have suffered some type of trauma or illness, this might cause a disruption of the body's hormones. Excessive mental stress can also alter the production of ovulation hormones. Therapy or prescription medication may help emotional causes of hypothalamic dysfunction.

In rare instances, a tumor or genetic disorder can disrupt the production of ovulation hormones. Treatment for these conditions typically involves removal of the tumor or managing the disorder so that the body can function as intended. 

3. Infrequent Menstrual Periods is One of the Most Prevalent Symptoms

There are few signs of hypothalamic dysfunction, but the most common symptom is lack of a regular menstrual period. If your period is missing or occurs infrequently, this means that you are not ovulating like you should be. Other symptoms vary depending on the root cause of the disorder. 

Learn more about infertility by clicking here
