If you are scheduled to visit your OBGYN for some birth control, you will want to make sure that you are armed with as much knowledge as possible as far as what your options are. This way, you will make the best decision for your personal needs.
Barrier Methods
Barrier methods include birth control options such as male and female condoms, diaphragms, contraceptive sponges, and cervical caps. These are non-hormonal forms of birth control and can be applied, inserted, or removed as needed at home. Male and female condoms can be purchased over the counter at a local drug store, while diaphragms, sponges, and cervical caps will be received through a visit to the doctor.
Hormonal Options
These options for birth control alter your hormones in order to help reduce your chances of becoming pregnant. The most popular options include contraceptive implants, vaginal rings, contraceptive patch, and the contraceptive injection. The implants, rings, and injections will be implanted or administered by your health care professional. The contraceptive patches can be removed and new ones can be applied in the comfort of your own home. Your health care professional will provide you with tips to help make sure that you apply it properly.
Permanent Options
Women can have their fallopian tubes tied or cut and burned. If they are cut and burned closed, then there is no chance of pregnancy. If the tubes are simply tied, while it is still considered permanent birth control, there is the very small chance that the tubes can become untied and that could result in a pregnancy if a backup method of birth control is not used. Men have the option of having a vasectomy. During this procedure, the deferens from the testicles are clamped, cut, and then sealed so sperm can no longer mix with semen and therefore can no longer cause a pregnancy. While the OBGYN does not perform vasectomies on men, he or she can give you some further information on it. Also, you will still need to receive some form of birth control from your OBGYN for a few months because your partner will have to wait for his appointment, have the procedure, and go through a few follow-up appointments before it can be said that he is officially sterile.
With that information in mind, you should have a much easier time ensuring that you are getting the best possible birth control for your needs.