People suffer from many different types of allergies. Medications and allergy shots are used to relieve the miserable symptoms that affect those suffering from seasonal and other forms of allergies. There is no guarantee that one treatment that works for others will work for you. You will have to be seen by a Ear, Nose and Throat physician, such as Allergy Asthma & Immunology Associates, who will examine you and order testing to determine how to treat your specific allergy problem.
Types of Allergens
Allergens are substances that cause you to become ill when you are exposed to them. You can be allergic to seasonal allergens such as molds, grass, weeds and pollen from trees. Your allergist may also tell you that testing proves you are allergic to shedding of dander from cats and dogs. Dander is in your pet's fur coat, on its skin and even in the animal's saliva.
Cat and Dog Allergy Treatment
Once your allergy testing results show you are allergic to your cat or dog, you will be advised about what treatment course you must undergo. Since removing the pet from your home is the last thing you want to do, you will be asked to not allow the animal in your bedroom or your child's bedroom.
Steroid Nasal Spray and Antihistamine Products
You might have to use a prescribed steroid nasal spray in addition to taking antihistamine tablets for relief of your pet dander symptoms. Antihistamine eye drops are also recommended for itchy and watery eye indications.
Bronchodilators and Other Inhalers
Experts note that respiratory allergy symptoms and associated asthmatic problems that you might develop could require the use of stronger inhalers that contain corticosteroids, which reduces swelling symptoms. Associated severe asthmatic respiratory symptoms you develop could warrant the use of a bronchodilator that will help you to breathe easier, and your allergy physician would make the decision for such a treatment.
Weekly Allergy Shots
Your allergist might also recommend that you or your child have weekly allergy shots, which build up tolerance to your specific allergens. The treatment may go on for a few years, but you will obtain the relief you need for your breathing problems.
Food Allergy Testing
The allergist will want you to record a list of the food you eat for approximately two weeks. You must also note what your reactions are to different foods and document this information for the physician. Food allergy skin testing is also performed by the allergist. Once the food allergy or allergies you react to are identified, you will have to eliminate those foods from your daily diet. Other advice will also be offered.
Always Take Your Prescribed Epinephrine Shot with You
Since food allergies can result in immediate death, you will be reminded to carry your prescribed epinephrine shot with you at all times. Use it when you develop a food allergy reaction. The prescribed medicine can save your life until you are taken to an emergency room for further treatment.