Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA): A Treatment For Lower Back Pain

When medications and physical therapy no longer offer adequate relief for back pain, you may seek other ways to manage the pain – even if only temporarily. Studies indicate that a medical procedure known as radiofrequency ablation, also referred to as radiofrequency neurotomy, can help alleviate chronic lower back pain, including back pain due to arthritis. But before deciding whether RFA is the right choice for you, it helps to know more about the procedure. [Read More]

Six Of The Most Common Mistakes People Make When Regularly Taking Prescription Drugs

Patients shouldn't take the responsibility of taking prescription medications lightly. Unfortunately, many patients are unaware of common mistakes prescription drug takers make that could make taking prescription medications less convenient, more expensive, or even hazardous to their health.  The following are six of the most common prescription drug medication mistakes patients make: Always going to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions Many patients suffering from chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease must take a prescription medicine regularly over the long term. [Read More]

4 Reasons To Seek Out A Depression Counselor Trained In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

There are hundreds of tried and tested counseling techniques used for the treatment of mental illness, but not all of them are equally helpful when it comes to fighting against depression. If you're feeling unmotivated and exhausted by life, retraining your brain with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective way to improve your mental health without resorting to medication. Find out why CBT works when it comes to lifting the fog of depression. [Read More]

How Caregivers Move On After A Loved One Switches To Assisted Living

Being a caregiver is a physically and emotionally strenuous position. Caring for a loved one as their health declines is a challenging task, but one that many people feel grateful to be able to provide. Unfortunately, for many families, there will come a point where the loved one will need more care than what their family can offer. This is when many are forced to make the switch from at-home care to an assisted living facility. [Read More]