Are you struggling to find relief from chronic fatigue syndrome (also known as CFS)? Conventional treatment methods may not always be enough. Read on for a few alternative options that may help you take control of your CFS.
Acupuncture is far from a passing trend. This ancient Chinese practice involves inserting thin needles into the skin. The needles are meant to unblock meridians, which act as passageways for energy to flow throughout the body. Although acupuncture is very much an Eastern practice, Western medicine does recognize its benefits.
For those with CFS, acupuncture may be a viable treatment option. Research has indicated that acupuncture can reduce fatigue and improve mental clarity. One study separated participants into two groups: one received true acupuncture and one received a sham version, where needles weren't placed in actual trigger points. Both groups noticed an improvement in their symptoms. More research is needed to determine if the positive results were due to the placebo effect, but acupuncture may be worth trying for CFS.
Dietary supplements
Magnesium is a vital component of many bodily processes. It aids in metabolism, jumpstarts the immune system, and is important for heart, bone, and muscle health. Up to 80 percent of Americans don't receive enough magnesium in their diet, which can result in symptoms such as weakness and fatigue.
In one study of CFS patients, all participants were shown to have deficient levels of magnesium. Many noted a decrease in their symptoms after six weeks of magnesium injections. The body has a difficult time absorbing magnesium in pill form, so injections or dissolvable tablets may be a more effective way to raise magnesium levels in the body.
Low Impact Exercise
Exercise has a multitude of benefits. It can improve sleep, boost energy levels, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and assist in reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. However, for those with CFS, strenuous exercise can lead to weeks of soreness and fatigue.
In spite of the drawbacks, CFS patients shouldn't avoid exercise all together. Although it may take a significant amount of willpower and discipline to hit the gym when battling CFS, sticking with a workout routine will pay off down the road. In fact, studies have shown that 30 minutes of exercise at least three times a week for three months can reduce symptoms of CFS. Lower impact activities such as yoga, swimming, and cycling might not cause as much of an exercise-hangover as running or kickboxing.
Finding relief from CFS is no easy task. Work with your doctor to determine if any alternative treatment methods may be beneficial for you. Contact a clinic like Springs Chiropractic for more information.